Utah State University Merit Scholarship for Young Students

Utah State University Merit Scholarship provide funds to enable students enrolled full-time (at least 12 credit hours) to finance a portion of or all tuition and obligatory fees, up to the lesser of the scholarship award amount or the amount of tuition and required fees. Course and e-book fees, for example, are not considered mandatory fees and are not covered by university merit grants.

Level/Field of Study

This scholarship is meant for aspiring undergrads that wants to study at Utah State University.

Host Nationality

Utah State University is an accredited university in America. The school takes pleasure in offereding scholarship opportunities to eligible students.

Criteria for Utah State University Merit Scholarship

  • First-year, first-time students who are permanent residents of Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, or Oregon;
  • must be an ongoing WUE recipient
  • a cumulative GPA of at least 3.60

NB: Students receiving a scholarship, fellowship, or other financial help from the University of Utah are required by state law to declare that they are eligible for the scholarship as a U.S. citizen or a citizen of another nation who is lawfully resident in the United States. If students are unsure whether they are in the United States legally, they should consult with an immigration counsel before taking this scholarship.

Good Standing Requirements to Apply for Utah State University Merit Scholarship

You must enrol as a full-time student and register for and successfully complete a minimum of 12 credit hours each semester to remain in good standing and continue to receive this award. You must also be a current WUE Tuition Discount beneficiary.

If you do not maintain full-time status, your scholarship for that term will be cancelled.

Renewal Requirements

Your scholarship may be renewed each year if you maintain a 3.50 cumulative GPA and complete at least twenty-four (24) credit hours over the academic year’s two semesters (i.e., fall and spring semesters).

Each year, at the end of the spring semester, UOSFA will review your standing for these criteria. Failure to meet the renewal or good standing standards will result in the scholarship being forfeited. Once a scholarship has been lost, it cannot be recovered.

Application Process for the Utah State University Merit Scholarship

No application procedure is needed apart from completing your admission process before December 1 2025. Cummulative GPA and course rigor are considered.

Scholarship Reward

$3,000 for the academic year ($1,500 for the autumn and spring semesters)

University merit scholarships are available beginning Fall 2025 and are renewable for up to eight semesters (fall and spring) or until you earn a baccalaureate degree (whichever comes first), as long as you complete scholarship renewal standards and remain in good standing. Merit scholarships do not usually apply to summer enrollment.

The State Merit Scholarship solely covers tuition and obligatory fees. This scholarship cannot be combined with any other university merit award from UOSFA (other than the Western Undergraduate Exchange Tuition Discount) and is only available to students pursuing a degree at the University of Toronto’s main campus. This scholarship only applies to or decreases tuition and obligatory fee charges for the fall and spring semesters if all qualifying criteria are met; it does not apply to enrollment or costs during the summer term. Other scholarships may affect eligibility or the value of the State Merit Scholarship.

Deferral and Leave of Absence

To defer their start date to the following semester and request that their scholarship be held, newly accepted freshmen must first request an admission deferment through the Office of Admissions at admissions.utah.edu/apply/deferment.

Scholarship deferments may result in a change in scholarship amount and/or value based on the later term of entry or matriculation.

Scholarship candidates requesting a delay must affirm their desire to attend by May 1, 2025 in order to accept their scholarship. Students can petition for a delay until the first day of classes (August 22, 2025). Deferred students must submit an enrollment deposit to ensure their seats as matriculated students. You can submit the enrollment deposit, or request a deposit extension if the enrollment deposit is a financial challenge, at admissions.utah.edu/confirm.

In exceptional circumstances, the University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (UOSFA) will allow a continuing student to take a Leave of Absence from a scholarship. A continuing student must work with the Registrar’s Office on any form of Leave of Absence (https://registrar.utah.edu/handbook/leave.php) and be accepted through the official protocols.


What GPA is required to attend Utah State?

Students will be admitted entirely on the basis of their GPA. GPA Requirements in High School: Admitted in Good Standing with a GPA of 2.8-4.0. 2.79 GPA or lower – Earned Admission.

What is the university known for?

Utah State University is a huge, reasonably priced research university with over 200 majors and “one hell of an engineering curriculum.” The College of Education is also “excellent,” and there are outstanding agricultural and business departments.

Is Utah State a Mormon university?

Utah is well-known for having a large percentage of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As a result, Mormon students make up a sizable proportion of the student body at Utah State.

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