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Top 10 Best Online Courses at Oxford University

Online Courses

Top 10 Best Online Courses at Oxford University

These 10 Online Courses at Oxford University featured in this article, are specifically designed for students who have always wanted to attend the University of Oxford but could not do so. These online courses at Oxford University come with certificates and cover important subject areas from various disciplines. Suppose you are seeking to improve your understanding of any of the fields of study offered by Oxford University, you can use the course links to each of the online courses at Oxford University provided to access these courses.

Requirement for Online Courses at Oxford University

Oxford don’t require that you have an English language certificate. However, they caution that you could be at a disadvantage if your English proficiency isn’t at a similar level to the qualifications on their website. If you’re confident about your abilities, take the opportunity to enrol.

The online courses at Oxford University are offered online for participants. You must be comfortable using computers for tasks such as sending emails or browsing the Internet. Also, you will require internet access and a PC that meets their suggested minimum specifications for computers.

Oxford University

It is believed that the University of Oxford is the oldest in the English-speaking globe and the second-oldest university worldwide. There isn’t an exact date of its founding; however, it is known that by 1096, the first classes had already taken place. Oxford University is located in the city’s medieval center. It has 44 halls, colleges, and around 100 libraries, making it UK’s most extensive library system. The number of students at Oxford University is about 22,000, with about half of which undergraduates. More than 40% are international students who come from 140 countries around the world. Finally, yes they are in charge of the online courses at Oxford University.

Top 10 Online Courses at Oxford University

The top online courses at Oxford University are as follows

1. Advanced Writing lives daily

The first on our list of online courses at Oxford University. This course will help you develop the knowledge and skills learned from the Writing Lives online course. The approach is different because it covers concepts, topics, and methods that align with Level 5 and second-year university studies, further encouraging creativity and individuality. It is highly recommended that you have extensive written experience, a desire to begin an ongoing personal project, and advanced English language skills. You must also be able to write reflective commentary in the required course.


By the end of this course which is also one of the online courses at Oxford University, you should be able to comprehend:

  • You will be able to create a variety of kinds of memoirs.
  • You should write engagingly and holds your reader’s attention.
  • This online courses at Oxford University is to transform your personal experiences creatively.

After the completion of this online courses at Oxford University, you are expected to be able to demonstrate the following skills:

  • To create engaging text.
  • Transform lives into suitable textual versions.
  • The confidence to begin your memoirs.


This online courses at Oxford University will require two assignments to complete the course. The first one of 1000 words and an accompanying comment of 250 words are due midway through the period. It is not counted towards the final grade. Still, the preparation you put into it and the feedback you receive will assist you in preparing for your standardised piece of work. 2000 words and an analysis of 500 words that is due at the close of your course. Be aware that passing the duration is contingent upon finishing the commentary in the class as part of the assessment. You’ll be disqualified from the system if you fail to complete the commentary.

2. Critical Reading

Second on our list of online courses at Oxford University is Critical Reading. This course is for people looking to improve their reading and study texts that are thought critical or essential.

This course, an online courses at Oxford University, introduces you to fundamental concepts of criticism and theorising. It will assist you in developing skills in careful critical analysis that will allow you to research the subject, write about it, appreciate and, above all, enjoy literature. The illustrations and exercises will be drawn from nineteenth and twentieth-century poems and fictional stories.

Oxford strongly suggest you make some time weekly to participate in online discussions (at times that work for you). Online forums can be an essential and enriching component of the course and online learning.


After the course, you will know:

  • The basic ideas in the definition of the critical phrase.
  • The most important arguments concerning literary analysis’s techniques and function are.
  • Your position as a theorist of critical and literary theory.
  • Different opinions and appreciations, as well as study.


You will be assigned two assignments to complete your course. The first 500-word piece is due at the halfway point of the system. It is not counted towards your final score. However, making preparations for it, along with the feedback you receive, will help you prepare for the assessed piece of work. That is 1,500 words that you must submit by the close of your course. The completed work is scored either pass or fail.

3. Psychology: An Introduction

This course introduces the scientific aspects of psychology. It explores the many functions of humans, uncovers the brain’s secrets, and reveals its complexity. The research results from psychological, biochemical, cognitive behavioural, and social perspectives are discussed. This course, an online courses at Oxford University, is suitable for understanding psychology and preparing for more advanced techniques.

The study of psychology is on human behaviour. It combines several psychodynamic, biological, cognitive, behavioural, and social theories. In this course, you are introduced to significant research in these fields and discover the answers to questions as what is the brain’s shape and function? What are our thoughts? What are the ways we can learn to speak a language? What do we do to remember, and why do we forget? Why do we want to drink, eat, sleep, and even engage in sexual activity? What are the reasons we follow, and who do we obey? Why do we disobey? How do we find love? What happens when relationships end? The course examines the diversity of human functioning.

This course, amongst the online courses at Oxford University, delves into brain mysteries, their complexity, and answering questions regarding the reasons behind our behaviour (and misbehaving!). The course explores how psychologists study human behaviour under laboratory conditions and discuss some issues. This course is intended for students who want to appreciate the psychology field as a discipline, and the contribution psychologists make to understanding human behaviour.

This course (one of the online courses at Oxford University) is designed to teach the five major approaches in psychology: psychodynamic, psychological, biological cognitive, behavioural cognitive, and social psychology.


At the time you finish the course, you’ll be able to comprehend:

  • Psychological aspects from various theoretical perspectives and their relation to their past.
  • The most influential theories of psychology and the work of psychologists.
  • How psychologists conduct their experiments.
  • Why did certain psychologists (e.g., Skinner, Freud, Milgram) employ specific techniques?
  • The tools used to accurately evaluate the principal issues in Psychology research accurately.


You will be assigned two tasks to complete the course. The first 500-word piece is due at the halfway point of the system. This task isn’t counted in the final grade. Still, preparing for it and the feedback you receive will assist you in preparing for your assessment work of 1,500 words due by the close of your course. The job you are assessed on is graded as either pass or fail.

4. Greek Mythology

Another that makes the list of online courses at Oxford University is Greek Mythology. How do you define Greek myths? Who wrote them, and what was the reason? What is the meaning of these statements? What makes them so powerful? What kind of history do they have? This course will look at the fascinating stories of the past and try to understand these stories.

What kind of are they a part of history? What is the difference between them and fairy tales and legends? Who was the one who told them, and what was the reason? What was the significance of actually happening? Did the Trojan War happen? What could be the reason for the stories about Odysseus, the Cyclops, Prometheus, Perseus and Medusa, and the legend of Atlantis? Are these myths a threat to history, or are they merely reflections of the internal workings of our brains? This course will examine some of these intriguing stories and explore how scholars have attempted to understand these stories.


At the time the course is over, you will

  • Get a broad review of some essential Greek myths and the global culture of the Greeks, acquired through various kinds of archaeological and literary evidence.
  • Have a better understanding of the evidence related to Greek mythology and the challenges in interpreting this.
  • Become aware of the differences and commonalities in the old Greek Civilisation of our time and have a sense of influence from Greek mythology.

At the time you finish the course, you will have learned the following skills:

  • A capacity to think more about a wide range of topics, to be able to recognise how different kinds of evidence connect, and also to have an understanding of the variety of responses to any given issue.
  • Be able to debate different issues and provide evidence in a balanced, transparent, and efficient manner.


You will be assigned two tasks to complete the course. The first is a 500-word piece that is due midway through the period. It is not counted towards your final score. Still, the preparation for it and the feedback you receive will help you prepare for the assessment piece of work, which is 1,500 words to be completed towards the conclusion of your course. The finished result is either pass or fail.

5. Introducing Mapping, Spatial Data and GIS

Next on our list of online courses at Oxford University is GIS. Explore the potential in maps, spatial information, and data that can help document and demonstrate local and global problems. Learn to utilise Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to discover the world around you and share your thoughts. Utilise GIS methods and software to make your maps with freely-available geospatial data online.

It is important to note that to take this course, you’ll require a skilled and competent computer user. You will also need a computer that conforms to the minimum spec outlined on the online support site. It would be best if you were also connected to broadband to complete this course since you’ll be required to download files exceeding 100MB.

Recall that this course is amongst the online courses at Oxford University. It requires downloading one item, a free software, as described. Please note that you are unable to learn the system without this: Quantum GIS (QGIS)

To our knowledge, you can learn this course on the following devices: MAC, PC, or Linux OS. Complete instructions are given for each activity included in the course material. It is important to note:

  • Not all of the activities on this course can be completed when using not all activities are possible using the Safari browser. If this is your current browser, we recommend using Firefox, which you can download for free from
  • You’ll need to download the .tar files for certain activities. The standard Windows zip program cannot open the file format. Therefore you’ll have to install 7-zip at

As always, complete instruction is available in the materials for this course.


At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Comprehend the various ways spatial information and GIS analyses are used to aid people in understanding the world around them.
  • Have an excellent way to manage spatial data.
  • Define the concept of datums, projections, and the coordinate system and how this knowledge allows various information sources to be linked.
  • Metadata is essential to provide the source of data and the degree of accuracy and uncertainty attribute or spatial data.
  • Understand vector and raster data formats’ differences, benefits, and disadvantages.
  • The distinction between the GIS layer is the information it represents.

Create basic maps with the essential elements needed by readers to understand them.


You will be assigned two tasks to complete the course. The first piece of work, which is 500 words, is due midway through the period. It will not count toward your final grade, but making preparations for it and the feedback you receive will help you prepare for the assessment. You must submit a piece of work that is 1,500 words by the close of your course.

6. Academic Literacy: An Introduction

Undergraduate study is a thrilling and satisfying experience. However, suppose you are beginning your journey to higher education or haven’t studied for a while. In that case, You may use this course, another of our online courses at Oxford University, to refresh your note-taking, reading, and essay-writing abilities and review the fundamental grammar and punctuation rules. This course will help you know how to:

  • enhance your time-management and organisation abilities;
  • be critical about how you follow instructions and assignment criteria
  • determine and evaluate reliable sources;
  • appropriately use different reading strategies;
  • make notes efficiently;
  • provide logical arguments in your academic essay considering the reader(s) in addition to your purpose(s);
  • design and develop precisely referenced assignments that are accurately referenced.

This course is designed to give you the basics of academic literacy no matter the subject you are studying in. Common problems in studying academic Writing, Academic Writing, and referencing are addressed, and you’ll be offered the chance to practice academic literacy through different exercises.

This course is not a course to teach English as a second language.


You will be assigned three assignments to complete the course. The first two pieces, each with 500 words, are due at the end of the period. They are not part of the final grade but planning for it. The feedback you receive after the essays will help you prepare for the assessment piece of work that is 1,500 words to be completed towards the conclusion of your course. The finished result is either pass or fail.

7. Microeconomics: An Introduction

Seventh on our lost of online courses at Oxford University is Macroeconomics. If you are interested in taking this course you will gain knowledge of the fundamentals of Microeconomics, including the opportunity cost, supply and demand firm and consumer optimisation, and market power and failure.

Microeconomics: An Introduction will provide you with technical abilities to understand how firms and consumers make daily production and consumption decisions. In this regard, the course will ensure that you can connect the fundamental microeconomic theories to the daily activities of economics. The course will also enable you to develop your critical thinking abilities by looking at the consequences of market failure in stark contrast to conventional microeconomic theories. You will learn that, while market forces determine demand and supply, there are times when government intervention is required to supplement pricing mechanisms. You can also apply the knowledge you have gained in this course in everyday situations.

Additionally, this course will provide you with a solid foundation that you can use to advance into higher-level studies in Microeconomics. The knowledge acquired can be applied to online courses like Globalisation, The New Economic Powers, and Introduction to Macroeconomics.


You will be assigned two assignments to complete the course. The first piece of work, which is 500 words, is due at the halfway point of the system. This essay isn’t counted towards the final grade. Still, preparing for it and the feedback you receive will help you prepare for the assessment piece of work of 1,500 words that is due towards the conclusion of your course. The completed work is either pass or fail.

8. Getting Started in Creative Writing

Getting Started in Creative Writing is another of the online courses at Oxford University. This course will give readers the necessary skills to transform a passion for writing into a real-world experience. It will introduce the essential characteristics of writing that are creative, and you are provided with stage-by-stage instruction as you absorb and practice the various creative and critical methods. Alongside feedback from the tutor on assignments for the course, you will be encouraged to talk about other’s writing in the forum for the period and receive guidance on providing constructive and helpful critiques.

This course guides you step-by-step through the essential elements of writing – such as the art of characterization, plotting, dialogue description, editing and more. There are also sessions for individual students on specific topics like creating powerful opening scenes and using visuals to create unique and experimental or other distinct genres. The main focus is on creating a distinctive voice and an assured style, all while in a supportive and encouraging environment.


At the end of this course, you are required to have acquired the following abilities:

  • The ability to identify and identify critical elements in literature.
  • Greater confidence in their usage of these features can help in the development of a unique “voice” in creative writing.


You will be assigned two assignments to complete the course. The first 500-word piece is due at the halfway point of the system. It is not counted towards your final score. Still, the preparation for it and the feedback you receive will assist you in preparing for the assessment piece of work that is 1,500 words to be completed towards the conclusion of your course. The finished result is scored as pass or fail.

9. Advanced Creative Writing

Next on our list of online courses at Oxford University is Advanced Creative Writing. This course is for advanced students who have taken one of the introductory courses, such as Getting Started in Creative Writing or any other writing course.

The rise of online publishing platforms has resulted in the increased commercial success of self-published authors. Starting with examining how fiction is written from the writer’s personal experiences, this course will look at the strategies employed to create and organize a novel that is a commercially feasible standard. We will examine the creation of characters and their development in various genres. You will learn how to analyze thematic elements in contemporary literature and how this is expressed in the plot development. You will explore how metaphor and description can help support storytelling goals.


At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the skills and methods needed to construct and execute a well-constructed paragraph.
  • Learn to think critically about your work and make editorial decisions according to your needs.
  • Prepare to use your learned skills to finish your unique writing assignments.

After the completion of the course, you are required to have acquired the following abilities:

  • The ability to organize and organize ideas into a cohesive outline for an entire novel.
  • The ability to create complicated characters that meet the expected standards in modern commercial science fiction.
  • Critical analysis of the theme contents of a wide range of contemporary novels.
  • Understanding of good working practices and self-editing.


The course will require two tasks to complete the course. The first 500-word piece is due midway through the period. It will not count towards your final score. However, the preparation you put into it and the feedback you receive will help you prepare for the assessed piece of work. That is, 1,500 words to be completed by the close of your course. The finished result is scored as pass or fail.

10. Introduction to Philosophy

We believe we know, But are we? We think we’re free, but how are we? What is the essence of the world we believe we reside in? Are our actions morally acceptable? The most enduring questions humans have been asking themselves meet with the latest technology to give students the chance to consider these questions in this introductory online philosophical course. Introduction to Philosophy is one of the crucial courses amongst online courses at Oxford University.

While our knowledge continuously increases, philosophical issues asked from the time of the Ancient Greek philosophers continue to be a source of confusion. This course allows you to study four areas of philosophy: knowledge real-world, truth, free will, and morality. The use of guided readings, as well as taking part in discussions and other events on the internet, will allow you to not only be able to learn about the ways philosophers have approached these subjects but also discover what you can do to address them yourself.


By the time the course is over, you will be able to:

  • Know the philosophy behind issues.
  • Learn the various ways to tackle these issues, distinguish between them, and assess the different approaches to solving them.
  • Explore philosophical concepts and concepts and consider them philosophically.
  • Analyze and interpret the philosophical text.
  • Engage in philosophical arguments.


You will be assigned two tasks to complete the course. The first piece of work, which is 500 words, is due at the halfway point of the system. It will not count towards your final score. However, the preparation you put into it, as well as the feedback you receive, will assist you in preparing for the assessment piece of work of 1,500 words due by the close of your course. The job you are assessed on is graded either pass or fail.

How Online Courses at Oxford University Work

Online courses at Oxford University are taught entirely online and are asynchronously run. They don’t have live-time courses, and you don’t need to be on the internet at a specific time to be enrolled in the class. Online courses at Oxford University teaching takes place through a virtual teaching space that includes tutors and students engaging in text-based online forums.

With students across the globe, courses are created to accommodate your schedule no matter where you’re studying. You can access the system when it is suitable for you. Discussions are conducted via forum-style online meetings that use text. The forums aren’t active, and you can post your questions or comments anytime.

Online courses at Oxford University is structured in five, ten, or 20 one-week units, including specific reading assignments and guided discussion using text. You must be active on the internet at least once a week. Oxford suggest at least ten hours of studying per week, with online interaction using the forum-based text and reading the prescribed texts.

Attendance is not required to take part in online courses at Oxford University. All communication, study, and submission of assessments are made on the course’s website.

The university strongly suggest that you participate in online conversations (at times that suit you) since the forum is an essential and satisfying element of the course and the online learning experience.

The courses are accessible to all, and you can enroll online using the “Book Now” button on the course’s page.


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