Being a good student does not imply studying for long periods of time and having no social life! There’s always space for improvement, so double-checking your work is a good idea. This will result in happiness and fulfillment, not just with yourself, but also with what you are doing with your life. And you should know the achievements last a lifetime! If you get good grades, you’ll be one step closer to getting into a good college, which will lead to a good career.
The hacks below are just what you need to boost your grades and get an A:
Choose the degree programs that interest you.
If at all possible, study subjects that you are interested in and in which you can invest your time. You will perform better if you are interested in the material you are studying. This is why you get the highest grades in your favorite subjects.
Remember to strike a balance between what you enjoy and what you need to know.
Pose pertinent questions to the teacher about the subject.
If you’re having trouble with a subject, write down what you’re having trouble with and ask the teacher if you can have some time to talk about it.
Asking questions can never be a source of embarrassment. Teachers appreciate curious students.
Make use of the expertise of others.
This does not imply that you should cheat; rather, when I say “use the knowledge of others,” I mean that you should discuss the subjects you are studying with friends, family members, and teachers. Find out what they think about a topic, how they would approach a problem, or how they do something. You should be better prepared to handle almost any academic challenge if you open your mind to new ways of thinking and doing.
Take an active role in your education.
Take part in study groups. Get assistance when you require it. Rather than cramming for a test, study over time. Basically, getting straight A’s is difficult because if it were easy, everyone would get it, so if you want to do this, you must study diligently. Try to prevent study groups if you talk a lot more than you study. Realize that you are only in a study group to study. Most student seem to forget this when they see a friend, so always remember this.
Coordinate yourself.
Keep all tasks or returned work/handouts separate and in chronological order at all times. This mostly makes life simpler in general, but it also helps when it comes to exam time, particularly if there is a combined end-of-year exam. You should also plan your time so that you have enough time to research and sleep. Organize your notes and your workspace for studying.
So, in general, you should study and do homework in bits. If you have two days to complete a homework task, complete the majority of it on the first day and the remaining portion on the second. Alternatively, if you only have a week to learn new topics, learn a few each day and go over the ones you already know. You’ll feel less stressed as a result, and you’ll have more time away from trying to cram.
Get yourself a planner. As soon as your teacher gives you homework, write it down. If a teacher tells you when a project or exam is due, make a note of it. This will assist you in determining what you need to do.
Be conscious of your body system and it works.
Your body learns best at certain times of the day, and for certain people, that time is in the morning. Make sure that you use this time to learn relevant class material and leave the rest for less important things like chatting. When you’re tired, don’t study. You should aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night in total.
Create a list
Figure out how to make an outline and then fill it in with bits and pieces of important material. Make a list of what you learned in class each day so you can relate to it later.
Make a list of what you don’t comprehend so you’ll be ready when your teacher discusses it or you can clarify it with your teacher.
Do your assignment yourself
when you work on your assignment or test yourself, you tend to become more conversant with that particular topic, and during exam you eventually remember any familiar questions.
Mentor a fellow student
Create a calm spot, such as your office, or your home, and pretend you’re a teacher explaining the topic to a student. This is also a good way to gauge your comprehension of the subject, because explaining it to someone who doesn’t understand it will also help you gain a deeper understanding of it yourself. If you are able to engage in school-based tutoring activities, this would serve the same function.
Take a quiz
for a particular subject you either take a quiz online or write out list of some questions and try to answer them, if you fail them take correction, some of this questions might likely come out in your exams.
Seek extra lessons if you find it too tough
Asking for extra lesson from a teacher would increase your knowledge in any subject, it will also assist you to make extra effort to earn your grade.