Top 8 Universities for Netherlands Master’s Degree Scholarships

Top 8 Universities for Netherlands Master’s Degree Scholarships

The Netherlands offers a number of scholarships for international students who want to study in the country. The scholarships are offered by a variety of organizations, including the Dutch government, universities, and corporations. There are a wide range of scholarships available, from full-tuition awards to smaller grants that cover just a portion of the cost … Read more

Maastricht University Civil Society Leadership International Awards – Netherlands

Maastricht University Civil Society Leadership International Awards - Netherlands

Maastricht University (UM) is the most international, research-based and independent university in the Netherlands. UM provides educational opportunities in a variety of subjects, such as Arts and Culture, Behavioral and Political Sciences, Business and Economics, Health and Life Sciences, Law and Knowledge Engineering. The University emphasizes the importance of building research capacity, autonomy, and an international perspective … Read more