15 Best Scholarships for Students with Deceased Parent

Indeed, there are scholarships for students with deceased parent. Most people think of the most common forms of college scholarships, such as academic and athletic. There are also music, competition, and ethnic scholarships.

Many students desire to attend college, but they don’t realise what financial aid is available to them. Scholarships for exceptional circumstances are available; you simply need to look for them.

Why there should be Scholarship for Students who Lost a Parent

The number of school dropouts has rapidly increased due to a lack of sponsors or guardians. As a result, dead parent subsidies are required to keep these youngsters in school. According to the National Center for Education Statistics of the United States Department of Education, there are around two million high school dropouts in the United States. Several circumstances contribute to this, the most significant of which is the death of one’s parents. As a result, various individuals, governments, organisations, and corporations felt compelled to carry the financial burden of these students.

There are numerous reasons why students who have lost a parent or guardian should be awarded scholarships. Students who have lost one or both parents may be forced to drop out of school owing to financial difficulties, necessitating the need for financial support. Also, to encourage these orphan students to get a degree and to provide academic help.

Parents want their children to succeed, and if it was your parent’s or grandparents’ dream for you to graduate from college, let that dream be the driving force for you to graduate. This article investigates what scholarships for students with deceased parent are and why they should exist. You’ll also find a comprehensive list of some of the scholarships for students with deceased parent available and how to find and apply for them.

Types of scholarships for Deceased Parents

There are numerous types of scholarships available for parents who have died. Some scholarships are only available to certain types of parents, such as single parents or grandparents. Other scholarships are available to any parent who has died.

Some scholarships ask you to submit an essay or compete in an essay contest. Others just ask for proof of your deceased parent’s name and date of death. Many scholarships have deadlines, so make sure to carefully read the eligibility requirements before applying.

How to apply for a scholarship for students with deceased parent

Scholarships for students with deceased parent are provided from a variety of institutions, including private groups, universities, and government bodies. To apply for a scholarships for students with deceased parent, you must gather paperwork proving your relationship to the deceased parent. Proof of death, such as an obituary or court document, may be included in this documentation. You will also be required to supply information about your educational achievements as well as your financial position.

Scholarships for students with deceased parent are available in a variety of quantities, so you won’t be limited by money. If you are eligible for and wish to earn a scholarship, you should apply as soon as possible. The sooner you apply, the better your chances are.

Requirements for receiving a scholarships for students with deceased parent

To be eligible for a scholarships for students with deceased parent, you must meet the scholarship’s requirement. These requirements may differ from scholarship to scholarship, but you will almost always be required to have high grades or to have produced a particular project in memory of your deceased parent. You may also be required to submit an essay or a ;eteer of recommendation.

It is crucial to remember that not all scholarships require that you have lost your parent due to death. There are numerous scholarships available for children who have lost a parent through no fault of their own. Don’t be dismayed if you have suffered a sad loss but do not fit the standards of a certain scholarship; you may still be qualified for other scholarships that are better suited to your circumstances.

Can you be too Old for Scholarship?

Most scholarships may be ineligible if you are over the age of 25. Scholarships are often given to students in their early to mid-twenties. This is due to the fact that scholarship money is sometimes intended for students who have not yet established themselves financially.

However, there are certain exceptions to this rule. For older students, there are scholarships available. These scholarships are typically awarded to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and performance in their field of study. Before applying for a scholarship, it is critical that you do your homework.

There is no assurance that you will be accepted for a scholarship, so apply as soon as possible. Scholarships might endure for several years, so you may be able to receive funds for an extended length of time.

15 Best Scholarships for Students with Deceased Parent in 2025

1. Vera Yip Memorial Scholarship Award

Ulman Cancer Funds For Young Adults is the sponsor of the Vera Yip Memorial Scholarship Award. The Ulman Cancer Funds for Young Adults provides scholarships to young adults who have lost a parent to cancer.

As a result, the fellowship intends to provide financial assistance to young adults who have lost their parents or guardians to cancer. Scholarship recipients must live in Maryland, Washington, or Virginia or attend college in one of those states.

Similarly, applicants must be between the ages of 15 and 35 and enrolled in a higher education programme.

The award is valued at $2500.

2. Aretta J. Graham Scholarship

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of ACES, funds the Aretta J. Graham Scholarship. University students are eligible for the scholarship.

Applicants must be in desperate need of financial assistance. As a result, the scholarships are awarded in order of preference;

  • Students who have lost one or both parents
  • Students who are single parents
  • Students who have a single parent are also eligible.

The scholarship value varies.

3. ICMA-RC Public Employee Memorial Scholarship Fund

The ICMA-RC grant is one of the scholarships for students with deceased parent intended for students whose parents or sponsors died while serving in the military.

This prize is available to graduating high school seniors, college undergraduate and graduate students whose parents were public employees.

Furthermore, the value of the scholarship changes from year to year and from student to student.

4. Death/Disability Scholarships

Children of deceased or injured Camden County public safety workers are eligible for Death or Disability scholarships. Students who have lost their parents as a result of their public duty are eligible for the scholarships.

Although scholarship amounts vary. It does, however, cover books, fees, and tuition. The given tuition charge is equal to the highest tuition at a New Jersey public college, which is set annually.

The Camden County Hero Scholarship Fund is responsible for funding this scholarship.

5. Educational Benefits for Children of Deceased Veterans and Others

The Delaware Department of Education is sponsoring the award. Delaware residents between the ages of 16 and 24 are eligible.

Furthermore, these dead parent scholarships are available to students whose parents were Delaware residents at the time of death.

The scholarship covers the tuition and fees for approved candidates’ selected college or university.

6. MaryEllen Locher Foundation

The MaryEllen Locher Foundation provides college scholarships for students with deceased parent. Full-time students studying for two or four years are eligible for the stipend.

The scholarship focuses on students whose mothers died from breast cancer. It also includes those whose mothers survived the lethal disease.

As a result, in addition to the grades and financial requirements, applicants must prepare an essay. The scholarship can also be renewed each year if certain criteria are met.

7. MedEvac Foundation International Children’s Scholarship

This International Foundation provides scholarships for students with deceased parent. The scholarships are available to first-year or current undergraduate students at an accredited college, trade school, or university.

The dead could have been a member of an air or ground medical carrier team. Likewise, the deceased could be the victim who died or was harmed.

Furthermore, candidates must be financially dependent on the dead.

As a result, the scholarship is worth $5000.

8. Rezvan Foundation Scholarship

The Rezvan Foundation offers scholarships to students whose parent(s) have passed away. These students have to have been in foster care.

The scholarship covers beneficiary’s tuition fees. Meanwhile, applicants must be United States citizens. He or she must also be a minor who is currently enrolled in a recognised high school.

Applicants must also have a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale and have applied for at least two other scholarships as well as the FAFSA.

The award is valued approximately $100,000.

9. James F. Byrnes Scholarship

The James Byrnes scholarship provides financial aid to students whose parent(s) have passed away.

Furthermore, the charity yearly awards scholarships to young students. These are children who have lost both parents or guardians.

As a result, the James F Byrnes Foundation grants scholarships to approximately 25 students each year. In addition, the scholarship is worth $3250 each year.

10. Foster Care to Success Scholarships

This is one of the top scholarships for students or children who have lost a parent or parents. The award is available to youngsters from a variety of backgrounds, including;

  • Children in foster care for a period of 12 months before and including their 18th birthday.
  • Adopted children or those with legal guardians over the age of 16
  • Whose parents died at least a year before they turned 18 and who have not yet been adopted

In addition, the scholarship is worth up to $5000. Applicants must, however, be under the age of 25. They must be admitted to or have registered for undergraduate study at a pell-approved college.

11. Life Lesson Scholarships

Life lesson scholarships for students with deceased parent are available to youngsters whose parent(s) have died. This dead parent scholarship provides financial aid to high school seniors and college students whose parents or guardians have passed away.

The beneficiary must be between the ages of 17 and 24 and a United States or Puerto Rico citizen. Applicants must also be undergraduate or graduate students at a college in the United States or Puerto Rico.

Applicants must also submit a 500-word essay or a video outlining the impact of the parent’s or guardian’s death.

12. American Legion Legacy Scholarship for Deceased Parents

This is one of the top scholarships in the United States for children of deceased parents. The award covers books, tuition, fees, and living expenses for children of deceased military parents.

As a result, applicants must be the deceased’s offspring or legally adopted children. To be eligible for the offer, they must also be graduating high school seniors or college freshmen.

The award is valued at around $200,000 and covers books, tuition, and living expenses.

13. Forgotten Dependents

Scholarships for forgotten descendants are available to offspring of parents who died in service or are missing and presumed dead. At the time of death, the parent must be serving in the United States military.

Applicants must be dependent on the deceased and between the ages of 16 and 25.

The following documents must be submitted to be eligible for the scholarship

  • Two letters of recommendation
  • SAT or ACT scores 
  • Proof of dependency: 
  • College and high school Transcripts
  • acceptance letter
  • DD-214 Military Form (If applicable)
  • Write an essay about your hopes and dreams

14. Levitt Comninos Carlotti Foundation Scholarship

This is one of the most competitive scholarships for students with deceased parent. The Levitt Comninos Carlotti Foundation provides financial support (scholarships) to children whose parent(s) are terminally ill or deceased.

Furthermore, the grant is only available to graduating high school seniors or college students. The fellowship pays for all tuition, fees, books, boarding, and academic expenses.

Moreso, applicants must be enrolled in a four-year university programme and have at least a 3.0 GPA to be eligible for the grant.

The scholarship ranges from $500 to $4000.

15. Strong Arm Leukaemia Scholarship

The Strong Arm Leukemia Scholarship provides financial help to students who have Leukemia or have lost a parent to the disease.

The scholarships help children of deceased parents who are struggling financially in college.

As a result, applicants must be US college or university (undergraduate or graduate) students. Applicants must also demonstrate that they are affected by Leukemia in some way.

The scholarship award is $1000.


Every child has the right to an education, thus anyone who wants to learn should be encouraged. However, accidents do occur, and parents, guardians, or sponsors may pass away as a result of other people’s negligence or while performing their obligations.

As a result, organisations, people, and governments have established scholarships for students with deceased parent to assist in the sponsorship of children of deceased parents in school.

So, if you want to go to college but have lost one or both parents, you can apply for any of the scholarships for students with deceased parent listed above. Most of the opportunities have application deadlines, so you should apply right away.

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