There is Only a Pie in the Sky Novel

Don’t miss this interesting novel titled There is Only a Pie in the Sky Novel.

There is Only a Pie in the Sky Novel

“Fetters that the eye cannot see are harder to break than iron chains.” – Cal.

One day a young man, who is in oppressive thoughts about money and success in general, finds a notebook once written by an unknown person to achieve his own grandiose goals. Reading the notes, he decides to take them as a guide, which gradually reveals to him the essence of things, finally leading him to action.

The process of development is also aided by the fact that Cal and Timothy make between themselves, as well as other characters and important events. Upon reaching certain heights in business, Cal is approached by those like him, the owners of the records, revealing to him the real state of affairs. Cal then has to take sides and fight, risking absolutely everything, including his own life. Cal’s final decision will be made when he meets Timothy and finds the terms of their agreement fulfilled.

There is Only a Pie in the Sky Novel
There is Only a Pie in the Sky Novel

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