Crossing Worlds to Cause Chaos Novel

Don’t miss this interesting novel titled Crossing Worlds to Cause Chaos Novel.

Crossing Worlds to Cause Chaos Novel Summary

Jackson Goldsmith was given both blessing and a curse by fate. Born with abnormally high IQ and amazing talents in the field of technology and science. Jackson changed earth’s technology and science by many folds. His creation ranging from virtual reality to creating life in space, Jackson is viewed as a deity by the people of earth.

Many believe that as long a Jackson is alive humanity can venture out in space. However Jackson only has till age 22 before he dies from brain damage. Jackson’s brain was too strong for a normal human to handle. Therefore Jackson’s fate has been sealed since he was born.

Jackson’s final gift to his home planet is to create a new element that will change the dangers of nuclear power and oil. Jackson’s fate is about to change when this new element is born.

Crossing Worlds to Cause Chaos Novel
Crossing Worlds to Cause Chaos Novel

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