Gates Cambridge Scholarship for Top Scholars

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship program was created in October 2000 by a US$210 million contribution to the University of Cambridge from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; this is the greatest single donation to a UK university. The first class of scholars arrived in October 2001.

Each year, Gates Cambridge awards approximately 80 full-fee scholarships to outstanding students from countries outside of the United Kingdom to pursue a postgraduate degree in any topic offered by the University of Cambridge. Approximately two-thirds of these prizes will be available to PhD candidates, with 25 awards available in the US round and 55 available in the International round.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in collaboration with the UK government, has been at the forefront of giving scholarships to international students who are deemed to have the bravery to pursue their academic aspirations despite financial restraints. The Cambridge Trust Scholarship 2025 is a unique scholarship opportunity for you to pursue a PhD or Masters degree at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. This article will educate you on all of the information you need about this Scholarship.

The following are the selection criteria:

  • outstanding intellectual ability
  • reasons for the choice of course
  • a commitment to improving the lives of others
  • leadership potential

Goal of the Scholarship

The goal of the Gates Cambridge Trust Scholarship is to provide scholarships to outstanding students from countries other than the United Kingdom to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree program at Cambridge University in any subject of study.

This Scholarship permits Scholars to pursue the full range of academic courses available at Cambridge University, which are distributed across departments and colleges.

Essentially, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides this Scholarship to encourage bright international students from outside the United Kingdom and developing countries to pursue any academic degree of their choosing at the university with little or no financial hardship.

Level/Field of Study

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship provides full-fee Masters and PhD (postgraduate) degrees to individuals who qualify. The Bill Gates Scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic excellence and is available to outstanding international students pursuing any degree of study at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.

Courses that Gates Cambridge does not accept:

  • Any Undergraduate degree, such as BA (undergraduate) or BA affiliated (a second BA)
  • Business Doctorate (BusD)
  • Master of Business (MBA)
  • Master of Finance (MFin)
  • MASt courses
  • PGCE
  • MBBChir Clinical Studies
  • MD Doctor of Medicine degree (6 years, part-time, Home students only)
  • Graduate Course in Medicine (A101)
  • Part-time degrees other than the PhD
  • Non-degree courses

Host Nationality

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship is based at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. The Institution of Cambridge, the Host Institution, is a college public research university in Cambridge, England.

King Henry The III handed the University a royal charter in 1231 after it was founded in 1209. The university is the second oldest in the English-speaking world and the world’s third oldest surviving university.

Eligibility for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship

You are eligible to apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if you are:

  • a national of any country other than the United Kingdom
  • applying to the University of Cambridge to study one of the following courses:
    • PhD (full-time or part-time*)
    • MLitt (full-time)
    • One year postgraduate course (full-time), with some exceptions.

If you are a current Cambridge student looking to start a new postgraduate course, you can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. For example, if you are currently pursuing an MPhil, you may be eligible to apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to pursue a PhD. Current Gates Cambridge Scholars who are applying for a new degree may also apply for a second grant. In the second, worldwide round, all current Cambridge students will be considered. If you have already begun a course (for example, you are halfway through a PhD), you cannot apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to support the remainder of it.

Requirements to Apply for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship

The fundamental procedure for obtaining a Bill Gates Cambridge Scholarship is to apply for admission to a graduate program, college place financing, and a Bill Gates Cambridge Scholarship through the University of Cambridge Graduate Application Portal.

In addition to this admissions portion, the University of Cambridge graduate application form has a Gates Cambridge section that requires candidates to submit the following documents:

A non-academic reference about their fit with Gates Cambridge

The reference is utilized in the same way as the statement – to narrow down the pool of qualified candidates to those who best satisfy the gates Cambridge eligibility standards and criteria.

Referees may paste/type up to 4,000 characters into the online reference given or attach a separate letter. Referees are also given a few specific questions about how they rank the Gates scholarship applicant.

Your referee must be someone of appropriate status, someone who can answer the questions with authority and who knows the Bill Gates Cambridge requirements.

Applicants frequently ask academics (who can comment on their fit with The Bill Gates Cambridge Scholarship, not just provide a third academic reference), senior figures in a voluntary organization with whom they have worked with or under, employers, and others who may comment on their suitability for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship.

Applicants are not permitted to seek family, friends, or unqualified individuals to provide an adequate and relevant reference.

Essay of 500 words about their fit with the Gates Cambridge programme

The shortlisting communities would utilize these 500-word comments to assist distinguish between candidates who have been highly ranked by their respective departments on academic grounds.

It assists scholarship committees in identifying candidates who are academically outstanding, have leadership potential, and are committed to improving the lives of others.

It is the only section of the application where the applicant can express their fit with the Gates Cambridge scholarship program.

Two Academic References

The two academic references are in addition to the Gates Cambridge reference necessary for admission by the University. Your academic references are preferable your lecturer in higher institution attended and not your high school teacher. If you can get a notable internationally recognised professor, it is fantastic


All applicants must have a current CV/resume. Your CV or resume should be comprehensive and should contain all academic achievements you you have atttained in your chosen fiel or course of study.

A research proposal

A research proposal is required for PhD applicants only if it has not already been submitted as part of the admission application for the programme.

If the academic department provides particular guidelines on the quantity of words and format for the research proposal, applicants must follow it.

If you are a PhD candidate and your department does not require a research proposal, you must submit a two-page document outlining your research goals to be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship.

Tips for Winning Gates Cambridge Scholarship

Scholars come from a variety of backgrounds, and everyone adds something special to the program. They are chosen based on four factors.

Academic Excellence

Candidates must demonstrate academic achievement in order to be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship (through their transcripts, references, experience and the potential to succeed on the chosen course). Only the most intellectually excellent applicants are nominated by academic departments at the University of Cambridge for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship, ensuring that those chosen will prosper at Cambridge.

Reasons for selecting a course

You should be able to make a compelling argument for pursuing a specific postgraduate degree at Cambridge. PhD applicants (and the majority of research MPhil applicants) will need to contact a potential supervisor with whom they would collaborate on a research project, a summary of which will be included in the application.

You must demonstrate that you have the requisite academic background, abilities, and competence to complete the course. Taught MPhil and other applicants must make a compelling argument for how completing the proposed course will help them advance in their careers. Gates Cambridge is looking for Scholars who will have an academically transformative experience at Cambridge, therefore make sure you thoroughly investigate and defend the course for which you are applying.

A desire to improve the lives of others

The dedication of our Scholars to bettering the lives of others is a distinguishing feature of the Gates Cambridge course. We interpret this criterion widely, and applicants define it for themselves by demonstrating their past, present, and future commitment to the societies in which they will live and work.

Possessing the ability to lead

Successful applicants must be able to exhibit leadership ability, which can be demonstrated in a variety of ways. Applicants should show proof of their leadership experience to date, as well as demonstrate how their leadership talents may benefit their future jobs.

Deadline for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship

Gates Cambridge only examines candidates in two rounds of selection each year:

Round 1: For US citizens resident in the USA only

Applicants in this group for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship 2025 must apply by 10 October.

Round 2: All other qualified candidates (part of the Graduate Funding Competition)

The programme you are applying for at the university determines the application closing dates and deadlines in this round – it is established by the Central Graduate Admissions Office.
Check The Graduate funding competition deadline on the course directory page to determine which of the deadlines below apply to you.

Applications open2 September2 September
Application deadline9 OctoberDependent on your course – either 3 December or 7 January
Departmental rankingOctober – NovemberDecember – February
Trust shortlistingMid-DecemberEarly March
Shortlisted candidates invited to interviewLate DecemberEarly March
Interviews24 & 25 January 2025 (Seattle, USA)23 & 24 March 2025(Cambridge, UK)
Scholarships offeredEarly FebruaryLate March
Scholarships accepted48 hours after the offer48 hours after the offer
Gates Cambridge Scholarship

Candidates who are eligible to apply for round one or round two are not eligible to apply for round two.

Selection Process

To ensure that scholars meet all of the Gates Cambridge scholarship standards to the highest level, Gates Cambridge employs a two-stage selection procedure.

1. Departmental nomination

Gates Cambridge requests that academic departments at Cambridge suggest a small number of qualified applicants who meet all four of the scholarship’s criteria to an exceptionally high standard. This guarantees that candidates recommended by departments are academically brilliant and have a high likelihood of success as postgraduate students at Cambridge, as well as that they demonstrate evidence of meeting Gates Cambridge’s selection standards. Departments nominate and invite a small number of those who apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to interview.

2. Interview

All candidates selected by academic departments are invited to a brief interview to demonstrate their ability to meet all four Gates Cambridge criteria. Following an interview, scholars are chosen.

If you are invited to an interview,

You will be emailed complete details regarding the format and arrangements on the timetable outlined on their timeline page. You will have gone through an extremely competitive procedure if you are invited for an interview.

You will be invited to a 20-25 minute interview, which you can do in person or electronically depending on where you are.

There are four interview panels that cover a wide range of topics:

  • Arts
  • Biological Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Social Sciences

Each panel is made up of appropriate and experienced academics and practitioners, as well as Gates Cambridge alumni and a Gates Cambridge Trust representative.

Each interview is divided into four sections:

1. Introduction and welcome

The Chair will introduce the panel, explain the format of the interview, and provide any additional information necessary for a healthy discussion.

2. Cambridge Gates

What are your thoughts on the Gates Cambridge Scholarships?

Your reason for applying

Why do you believe you have the potential to be a Gates? Cambridge University Scholar

Your opinions on the opportunities and obligations that come with a prestigious, full-fee scholarship to one of the world’s top universities

3. Academic and professional goals

Your previous academic work – can you successfully explain your enthusiasm for, and the significance of, your chosen subject?

Your suggested Cambridge degree – can you present a convincing argument for your course selection at Cambridge?

Your future career aspirations – can you convincingly link your application for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship as well as your proposed study at Cambridge to your future job plans?

You may also be asked about challenging intellectual or ethical issues with no ‘correct’ responses.

4. Closing remarks and questions

A chance to provide any additional information and/or ask the interview panel any questions (optional)

If you are not invited to an interview,

Gates Cambridge will send you an email stating that your application was unsuccessful. More information can be found on their timeline page.

Scholarship Award

The Gates Cambridge Trust Scholarship is a fully funded scholarship that covers almost all of a student’s educational expenses.

Here is more information on your perks if you are named a Gates Cambridge Scholar in the UK in 2025.

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the University Composition Fee at the applicable amount.

It covers one student’s maintenance allowance (at the rate of £17,500 for one year; pro rata for courses less than 12 months) – for PhD scholars, the award is for up to four years.

An economy single flight at the start and end of the course, inbound visa fees, and the Immigration Health Surcharge

Discretionary components

On a discretionary basis, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship Trust additionally accepts applications for numerous sorts of supplementary funding:

Academic development grants (ranging from £500 to £2,000, depending on the length of your degree of study) is available for attending conferences and courses.

Family allowance (up to £10,120 for a first kid and £4,320 for a second child at the 2022-23 rate).

A partner receives no funding.

Fieldwork – as part of your PhD, you can apply to keep up to your maintenance allowance while on fieldwork (Trust does not cover other fieldwork expenses as these should be covered by the University Composition Fee).

Maternity/Paternity money – if you require it, you can seek to pause your studies for roughly 6 months while continuing to get your standard maintenance allowance.

Hardship money is available for unexpected challenges.

The University Composition Fee would range for different categories of students; candidates should consult the Graduate Studies prospectus for full details on the exact amounts.

If a student from the EU successfully obtains a fee award from public authorities, they must accept it, and the scholarship Trust will not pay these fees.

Receiving a Salary or Other Fairly Significant Scholarship

If you have another major scholarship or an income from a company, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship Trust maintains the right to reduce or eliminate the standard maintenance allowance.

It is critical that you notify the trust as soon as possible if you are provided or awarded funding for your studies at Cambridge University.

What The Funding of Gates Cambridge Scholarship Does not Cover

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the majority of the expenditures. However, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship Trust does not cover the following:

  • bench charges
  • the expense of scientific equipment or other academic resources
  • Departments may charge additional fees for orientation activities, fieldwork, mandated study trips, courses outside of Cambridge, and comparable activities.

The Scholarship Trust pays the entire University Composition Fee, therefore core course fees should be covered by Cambridge University’s academic departments.

How to Apply for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship

Applicants apply for admission and financing (Gates Cambridge and other sources) through the University’s Graduate Application Portal.

To be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship, you must first complete the application for admission to a programme and a College place, as well as the Gates Cambridge element of the funding section. When considering applications for admission and financing, Gates Cambridge has access to the whole application.

Full application instructions, including selection criteria and advice on completing this statement, can be obtained by clicking on the button below

Watch the University’s brief overview video about applying for postgraduate admission and financing:

Gates Cambridge Scholarship

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