Best Hack To Help You Make Money With A Part-Time Job As A Student Studying Abroad.

Many students choose to study abroad to gain a better understanding of educational values and to learn. It can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be financially draining. If you are there on a scholarship or as a self-supporting student, you would need money to pay the majority of your bills, knowing that … Read more


Teachers need new ways to improve their teaching and help their students improve their learning in an era when student behaviors are constantly changing and the world at large is changing dramatically in terms of technologies and learning skills. Here are recent teaching method that are has proven to be effective. 1. PROJECT-BASED METHOD Project-based … Read more

How to Write Short-Answer Essays – Essay and Tactics for YYGS International Student

Hello friends, today, we’ll be discussing on how to write short-answer essays and I am going to share with you one of the 200-word essay that is part of the YYGS application, titled: We want to learn more about your background, beliefs, values, and/or the important people in your life. Please tell us about something … Read more

What is Python, Uses, Installing and Why Learn Python

Starting from this Python tutorial, you’re going to learn everything you need to get started with Python programming, and today, we’re discussing what Python is, how to install python, uses and why you should learn Python. Python is the world’s fastest growing and most popular programming language not just amongst software developers, but also amongst … Read more