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How to Get Your Child Ready for Kindergarten

Study Guide

How to Get Your Child Ready for Kindergarten

How to Get Your Child Ready for Kindergarten
Happy kids at elementary school

It can be difficult to get your child ready for Kindergarten, but it doesn’t have to be. You will help your child prepare by doing the following. However, you should be mindful that each child grows at his or her own pace, and it is important to respect and honor your child’s readiness rather than pushing your agenda too far. Potty training is an excellent place to begin preparing your child for kindergarten.

Getting Your Child Ready for Kindergarten

Potty training should be worked on

Some schools, particularly those for children aged four and up, require your child to be partially potty trained. If your child is younger, he or she may not need to be completely potty trained, but you and your child should work on it together. As you wait for your child to be ready, be patient. Your child should be interested in the toilet and underwear before you begin. This usually occurs between the ages of two and twenty-two. Your child should be able to obey directions and remain dry for at least two hours. Make sure your child can interact and wants to be clean and dry to increase his or her chances of success.

Have a plan for when you’ll need your child to use the restroom.

Throughout the day, try to take frequent bathroom breaks. Allow your child to sit on the potty without a diaper during these breaks. Both boys and girls can start by sitting down, though boys will eventually stand up and pee in a urinal.

Practice dressing skills.

Of course, if your child requires assistance with a zipper or shoes, the teacher can assist, but the teacher only has so much time. It’s best if your child can do as much as possible on his or her own. Make it a game to learn how to dress. You may, for example, make your child time how quickly they can dress and tie their shoes, and then see if they can beat it. Remember to express your delight in their accomplishments.

Let your child eat independently.

Lunch, breakfast, and snacks will most likely be served independently at your nursery school. In the weeks leading up to your child’s first day of school, inquire about what meals are eaten while at his or her nursery school, and do your best to replicate these mealtimes at home so that your child’s body responds to anticipating meals at these times.
Around mealtime, have your child focus on self-feeding. Younger children will eat with their fingers. Spoons or forks can be used for children aged three and four. With your kids, practice using a cup as well.

Read with your child

Reading to your child gets them started on the path to school by introducing them to books and reading. Reading to your child often helps them to sit still for an extended period of time, which is an essential school ability.

Work on your child’s listening abilities.

Since this is the only way a teacher can keep a class of children under control, your child will need to be able to listen to instructions. When your child is brushing their teeth, practice giving them instructions and making them follow them through. You may also engage in enjoyable activities together, such as baking, in which you instruct them about what they need to do.

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